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   FREE CRM Software [ Sign up ]

The basic Intrabench package is ideal for a business or individual looking for a starter package but safe in the knowledge they can expand in the future for an affordable price. That said, the free crm software package from Intrabench is still quite advanced. For example you can add companies and contacts,  correspondance and contact history. To remind you about those vital sales calls which is important when starting, Intrabench will remind you about call backs you need to make and what to say.
There is an inbuilt email client which contains tracking to see if the client has opened up the email or not. Useful to know if a potential client has read your proposal. You can attach files as well as add files to your company area for auto attaching. 
To get you started you can mass import a set of clients from a spreadsheet or CSV (comma seperated values) file. In a way this CRM system acts as the perfect contact manager that you can access from anywhere that has an internet connection. There is an advanced search screen where you can search for clients and contacts and plenty of shortcuts to update, add and make notes. 
So that you can keep up to date with procedures and processes within your business, we have included a knowledge base as well which is a searchable information archive where you can put useful documents and catagorise them. 
To monitor how you are doing we have included a report generator that will track your sales through your custom field and an activity monitor so you can see what you have achieved each day. Since the crm system is free, there is no reason not to give it a go and start using it today. We only ask that the account is logged in to  once every 30 days so we don't get lots of dormant accounts. There are only a limited amount of accounts so we suggest you sign up sooner than later.

Contact Manager

Email Client

Call Back Reminders


Custom Field

Knowledge Base

Contact History

Sales Reports

Activity Monitor

Dedicated Database

Import Module



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